You have to provide the cleaning tools and consumables for Classic Cleaning Service. You can refer to HomeHelpy’s website for more information on the common types of cleaning tools and consumables required. For Premium Cleaning Service, you only need to provide cleaning tools to our HomeHelpers as our HomeHelper will provide Saniswiss Sanicleaners, Switzerland bio sanitisers. As for Specialised Cleaning and Office Cleaning, you are not required to provide any cleaning tool or consumable.
Do I have to provide the cleaning tools and consumables?
You have to provide the cleaning tools and consumables for Classic Cleaning Service. You can refer to HomeHelpy’s website for more information on the common types of cleaning tools and consumables required. For Premium Cleaning Service, you only need to provide cleaning tools to our HomeHelpers as our HomeHelper will provide Saniswiss Sanicleaners, Switzerland bio sanitisers. As for Specialised Cleaning and Office Cleaning, you are not required to provide any cleaning tool or consumable.