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- Any complaints have to be made within 36 hours after completion of the service. Evidence of any incomplete task or unsatisfactory work has to be provided so that we can address your concerns more...
- We recommend that the appliance should be cleaned quarterly.
- We do not recommend any cleaning to be done. Any appliance over 8 years old are recommended for replacement as there will be significant ageing of internal parts within the appliance. Your microwave...
- Any complaints have to be made within 36 hours after completion of the service. Evidence of any incomplete task or unsatisfactory work has to be provided so that we can rectify your concerns more...
- We recommend the equipment to be cleaned quarterly.
- We do not recommend any cleaning to be done. Any appliance over 8 years old are recommended for replacement as there will be significant ageing of internal parts within the appliance. Your oven may...
- Any complaints have to be made within 36 hours after completion of the service. Evidence of any incomplete task or unsatisfactory work has to be provided so that we can address your concerns more...
- Most, if not all clothes can be ironed. However, you should generally iron clothes that you would like to look smart in, and which would otherwise appear wrinkled and unprofessional. These generally...
- You can check the wash label in the inner lining of your clothing for the washing and ironing instructions.
- Any complaints have to be made within 36 hours after completion of the service. Evidence of any incomplete task or unsatisfactory work has to be provided so that we can address your concerns more...